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28 risultati
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany MWP1 - Mysterious White, Lux, 120x120cm, 9.00mm, Rett.
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany MWP1 - Mysterious White, Lux, 120x120cm, 9.00mm, Rett. 127,00 €/m² 56,50 €/m²
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany MWH5 - Mysterious White, Lux, 75x150cm, 9.00mm, Rett.
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany MWH5 - Mysterious White, Lux, 75x150cm, 9.00mm, Rett. 122,90 €/m² 54,50 €/m²
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany MWH7 - Mysterious White, Lux, 75x75cm, 9.00mm, Rett.
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany MWH7 - Mysterious White, Lux, 75x75cm, 9.00mm, Rett. 105,50 €/m² 46,90 €/m²
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany MWH6 - Mysterious White, Lux, 60x60cm, 9.00mm, Rett.
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany MWH6 - Mysterious White, Lux, 60x60cm, 9.00mm, Rett. 99,90 €/m² 44,50 €/m²
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany OTM6 - Mysterious White, Lux, 60x60cm, 9.00mm, Rett.
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany OTM6 - Mysterious White, Lux, 60x60cm, 9.00mm, Rett. 122,00 €/m² 54,50 €/m²
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany MWH3 - Mysterious White, Lux, 30x60cm, 9.00mm, Rett.
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany MWH3 - Mysterious White, Lux, 30x60cm, 9.00mm, Rett. 93,50 €/m² 41,50 €/m²
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany PMW8 - Mysterious White, Lux, 120x278cm, 6.00mm, Rett.
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany PMW8 - Mysterious White, Lux, 120x278cm, 6.00mm, Rett. 161,90 €/m² 72,00 €/m²
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany MYW7 - Mysterious White, Matt, 75x75cm, 9.00mm, Rett.
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany MYW7 - Mysterious White, Matt, 75x75cm, 9.00mm, Rett. 75,50 €/m² 33,50 €/m²
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany MYW5 - Mysterious White, Matt, 75x150cm, 9.00mm, Rett.
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany MYW5 - Mysterious White, Matt, 75x150cm, 9.00mm, Rett. 89,90 €/m² 39,90 €/m²
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany PPI8 - Precious Ice, Lux, 120x278cm, 6.00mm, Rett.
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany PPI8 - Precious Ice, Lux, 120x278cm, 6.00mm, Rett. 161,90 €/m² 72,00 €/m²
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany PIX1 - Precious Ice, Lux, 120x120cm, 9.00mm, Rett.
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany PIX1 - Precious Ice, Lux, 120x120cm, 9.00mm, Rett. 127,00 €/m² 56,50 €/m²
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany PRI5 - Precious Ice, Lux, 75x150cm, 9.00mm, Rett.
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany PRI5 - Precious Ice, Lux, 75x150cm, 9.00mm, Rett. 122,90 €/m² 54,50 €/m²
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany PRI7 - Precious Ice, Lux, 75x75cm, 9.00mm, Rett.
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany PRI7 - Precious Ice, Lux, 75x75cm, 9.00mm, Rett. 105,50 €/m² 46,90 €/m²
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany PRI3 - Precious Ice, Lux, 30x60cm, 9.00mm, Rett.
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany PRI3 - Precious Ice, Lux, 30x60cm, 9.00mm, Rett. 93,50 €/m² 41,50 €/m²
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany OTI6 - Precious Ice, Lux, 60x60cm, 9.00mm, Rett.
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany OTI6 - Precious Ice, Lux, 60x60cm, 9.00mm, Rett. 122,00 €/m² 54,50 €/m²
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany PRI6 - Precious Ice, Lux, 60x60cm, 9.00mm, Rett.
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany PRI6 - Precious Ice, Lux, 60x60cm, 9.00mm, Rett. 99,90 €/m² 44,50 €/m²
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany PRC5 - Precious Ice, Matt, 75x150cm, 9.00mm, Rett.
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany PRC5 - Precious Ice, Matt, 75x150cm, 9.00mm, Rett. 89,90 €/m² 39,90 €/m²
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany PRC7 - Precious Ice, Matt, 75x75cm, 9.00mm, Rett.
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany PRC7 - Precious Ice, Matt, 75x75cm, 9.00mm, Rett. 75,50 €/m² 33,50 €/m²
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany PRL8 - Regal Light, Lux, 120x278cm, 6.00mm, Rett.
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany PRL8 - Regal Light, Lux, 120x278cm, 6.00mm, Rett. 161,90 €/m² 72,00 €/m²
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany PRL1 - Regal Light, Lux, 120x120cm, 9.00mm, Rett.
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany PRL1 - Regal Light, Lux, 120x120cm, 9.00mm, Rett. 127,00 €/m² 56,50 €/m²
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany RGL5 - Regal Light, Lux, 75x150cm, 9.00mm, Rett.
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany RGL5 - Regal Light, Lux, 75x150cm, 9.00mm, Rett. 122,90 €/m² 54,50 €/m²
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany PRG7 - Regal Light, Lux, 75x75cm, 9.00mm, Rett.
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany PRG7 - Regal Light, Lux, 75x75cm, 9.00mm, Rett. 105,50 €/m² 46,90 €/m²
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany OTR6 - Regal Light, Lux, 60x60cm, 9.00mm, Rett.
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany OTR6 - Regal Light, Lux, 60x60cm, 9.00mm, Rett. 122,00 €/m² 54,50 €/m²
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany RGL6 - Regal Light, Lux, 60x60cm, 9.00mm, Rett.
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany RGL6 - Regal Light, Lux, 60x60cm, 9.00mm, Rett. 99,90 €/m² 44,50 €/m²
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany RGL3 - Regal Light, Lux, 30x60cm, 9.00mm, Rett.
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany RGL3 - Regal Light, Lux, 30x60cm, 9.00mm, Rett. 93,50 €/m² 41,50 €/m²
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany REG5 - Regal Light, Matt, 75x150cm, 9.00mm, Rett.
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany REG5 - Regal Light, Matt, 75x150cm, 9.00mm, Rett. 89,90 €/m² 39,90 €/m²
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany REL7 - Regal Light, Matt, 75x75cm, 9.00mm, Rett.
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany REL7 - Regal Light, Matt, 75x75cm, 9.00mm, Rett. 75,50 €/m² 33,50 €/m²
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany PRK8 - Regal Light, Silk, 120x278cm, 6.00mm, Rett.
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany PRK8 - Regal Light, Silk, 120x278cm, 6.00mm, Rett. 139,50 €/m² 61,90 €/m²
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Pezzi Speciali
9 risultati
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany Battiscopa MW7B - Mysterious White, Matt, 7.2x75cm, 9.00mm
Battiscopa MW7B - Mysterious White, Matt, 7.2x75cm, 9.00mm 13,90 €/pz 12,50 €/pz
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany Battiscopa MBX7 - Mysterious White, Lux, 7.2x75cm, 9.00mm
Battiscopa MBX7 - Mysterious White, Lux, 7.2x75cm, 9.00mm 16,90 €/pz 10,00 €/pz
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany Battiscopa MBX6 - Mysterious White, Lux, 7.2x60cm, 9.00mm
Battiscopa MBX6 - Mysterious White, Lux, 7.2x60cm, 9.00mm 13,50 €/pz 12,00 €/pz
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany Battiscopa PR7B - Precious Ice, Matt, 7.2x75cm, 9.00mm
Battiscopa PR7B - Precious Ice, Matt, 7.2x75cm, 9.00mm 13,90 €/pz 12,50 €/pz
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany Battiscopa PBX7 - Precious Ice, Lux, 7.2x75cm, 9.00mm
Battiscopa PBX7 - Precious Ice, Lux, 7.2x75cm, 9.00mm 16,90 €/pz 10,00 €/pz
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany Battiscopa PBX6 - Precious Ice, Lux, 7.2x60cm, 9.00mm
Battiscopa PBX6 - Precious Ice, Lux, 7.2x60cm, 9.00mm 13,50 €/pz 12,00 €/pz
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany Battiscopa RL7B - Regal Light, Matt, 7.2x75cm, 9.00mm
Battiscopa RL7B - Regal Light, Matt, 7.2x75cm, 9.00mm 13,90 €/pz 12,50 €/pz
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany Battiscopa RBX7 - Regal Light, Lux, 7.2x75cm, 9.00mm
Battiscopa RBX7 - Regal Light, Lux, 7.2x75cm, 9.00mm 16,90 €/pz 10,00 €/pz
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany Battiscopa RBX6 - Regal Light, Lux, 7.2x60cm, 9.00mm
Battiscopa RBX6 - Regal Light, Lux, 7.2x60cm, 9.00mm 13,50 €/pz 12,00 €/pz
Nessun risultato trovato Controlla l'ortografia o usa una parola o una frase diversa.
Descrizione La piastrella

Purity Of Marble - Tuscany


Ceramiche Supergres

è la scelta ideale per dare un tocco di eleganza e stile ai tuoi ambienti.

Grazie alla finitura lux, matt, silk, questa piastrella effetto marmo, conferisce un aspetto distinto e sofisticato, adattandosi perfettamente a qualsiasi tipo di design.

Con una selezione di colori raffinati, tra cui mysterious white, precious ice, regal light, la piastrella

Purity Of Marble - Tuscany

è disponibile in diversi formati, come 30x60cm, 60x60cm, 75x75cm, 75x150cm, 120x120cm, 120x278cm, che offrono flessibilità e versatilità per la creazione dei tuoi spazi.

Grazie al suo spessore di 6.00mm, 9.00mm, la piastrella

Purity Of Marble - Tuscany

garantisce resistenza e durata nel tempo, mantenendo la sua bellezza intatta anche dopo diversi anni di utilizzo.

Realizzata con materiali di alta qualità e curata in ogni dettaglio, la piastrella

Purity Of Marble - Tuscany


Ceramiche Supergres

è la scelta perfetta per chi cerca una soluzione di classe superiore.

Scegli la bellezza senza tempo e l'eleganza della piastrella

Purity Of Marble - Tuscany


Ceramiche Supergres

per trasformare i tuoi ambienti in veri capolavori di design.
Scheda tecnica
Ceramiche Supergres
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany
Colore Mysterious White, Precious Ice, Regal Light
Finitura Lux, Matt, Silk
Formato 30x60cm, 60x60cm, 75x75cm, 75x150cm, 120x120cm, 120x278cm
Spessore 6.00mm, 9.00mm
Bordo Rectified
Effetto Marmo
Utilizzo Interni
Materia Gres porcellanato
Indice scivolosità Non specificato
Indice stonalizzazione Non specificato
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany
Purity Of Marble - Tuscany
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Ceramiche Supergres general book 2024
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Ceramiche Supergres PURITY OF MARBLE - TUSCANY